
New Theory Magazine is an online platform for forward thinkers. It provide you with exclusive access into the mind of the thought leaders covering inspirational content such as business, health, fitness, fashion, beauty, celebrity news, music, hot topics & more!
New Theory Magazine is designed to offer you a view from the inside out. The evolution of thought often begins with a New Theory.

I’m excited to be part of The New Theory Magazine. As a contributor, my goal will be to challenge you to think of your business and your relationships with your key constituents in new ways. This approach has helped me shape simple yet thought-provoking lessons into tangible results that I look forward to sharing with you in this article and in my book: Tighten The Lug Nuts. I constantly challenge myself and others to not stop at the first right answer, to look past that first “right answer” as you manage your operations. It also is what led me to write my book TIGHTEN THE LUG NUTS: The Principles of Balanced Leadership.






Motivational Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker

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